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Crafting a Customer Value Proposition (CVP) for a high-tech company

Crafting a Customer Value Proposition (CVP) for a high-tech company

Marc Wouters und Michael Pelz




A Customer Value Proposition (CVP) is a company’s statement of the value its offering provides to a customer. When talking about customer value, we understand the worth in monetary terms of the technical, economic, service, and social benefits a customer company receives in exchange for the price it pays for the market offering. The customer value is no “sales talk” but based on data that substantiate this value.



At the chair of Prof. Wouters we are researching how Customer Value Propositions work in high-tech companies. In this research project, you will work with entrepreneurs at emmtrix Technologies GmbH. The objective of this thesis is to craft a Customer Value Proposition together with this high-tech start-up. You will conduct research in the relevant literature, carry out interviews, and do some market research.


Expectations and benefits

We are looking for excellent students that are interested in management accounting and entrepreneurship. You should have a certain amount of curiosity and creativity in both the fields of business and academic research for conducting this thesis project.

We offer you active guidance in the process of elaborating your thesis. You will participate in an additional course where you learn fundamental methods for research and writing. In this way you will receive support for your thesis and gain interesting and helpful insights in how research is conducted.


About emmtrix Technologies GmbH

The emmtrix Technologies GmbH is a spin-off company from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The company offers automated software development tools for efficient embedded single- and multicore programming. emmtrix currently offers two products:

  • The emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS) simplifies the extremely complex parallel software development process for embedded multicore processors directly from MATLAB® and Scilab.
  • The emmtrix Code Generator (eCG) generates efficient, comprehensible and compact embedded C/C++ code from MATLAB® and Scilab.


More information about the start-up are available at www.emmtrix.com.