Post Merger Integration - success factors within the regional area of responsibility of a vertical organised corporate group

  • Forschungsthema:Post Merger Integration - success factors within the regional area of responsibility of a vertical organised corporate group
  • Typ:Diploma thesis
  • Betreuer:

    Arne Kreitz

  • M&A transactions are frequent occurrences in the globalized economies of today. The aims of these transactions are multifarious: access to new markets, economies of scale and economies of scope, just to name a few possible synergy effects. During the last decade the crucial importance of the Post Merger Integration has been more and more acknowledged – due to a large fraction of aborted acquisitions.

    This thesis aims to point out to what extend this importance is recognised within a leading global supplier of technology and services who is embarking on a growth and diversification strategy, how theory and practice differ - if applicable in this case - and to work out key success factors for the integration processes within responsibility of the regional subsidiaries.