Management accounting


We offer several courses in management accounting. We teach management accounting in the context of operations and innovation. Students gain an understanding of specific management accounting techniques and the purposes for which these can be used, and students can also apply these management accounting techniques.

► All courses are held in English.

Courses for the module "Controlling" (Management Accounting):
  • "Management Accounting 1" - with 4.5 LP (4 SWS) - on a rotational basis in the summer semester.
    LV 2579900: Lecture
    LV 2579901: Exercise for Bachelor
    LV 2579902: Exercise for Master and Mastervorzug
  • "Management Accounting 2"- with 4,5 LP (4 SWS) - regularly in winter semester
    LV 2579903: Lecture
    LV 2579904: Exercise for Bachelor
    LV 2579905: exercise for Master and Mastervorzug

Please note that there are separate tutorials for Bachelor, Mastervorzug and Master students for the lecture Management Accounting.


Courses which are not part of the module "Controlling" (Management Accounting)":
  • Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics
    "Controlling for Industrial Engineers"
    LV-Nr. 2579909: mit 3 LP (2 SWS) - only in summer semester

  • Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics.
    LV-Nr. 2579919: with 3 LP (2 SWS) - every semester
  • Course "Management Accounting Research & Writing
    LV-No. 2579906: (2 SWS) - every semester
    For students who are writing a thesis with us.


Course for Master's degree programmes in Industrial Engineering and Management, Digital Economics and TVWL in the module "Cross-functional Management Accounting":
  • Course "Advanced Management Accounting"
    LV-Nr. 2579907: with 4,5 LP (4 SWS) - only in winter semester
    "The course is for Master students and addresses several topics where management accounting is strongly related to marketing, finance, or organization and strategy, such as customer value propositions, financial performance measures, managing new product development, and technology investment decisions. Some of these topics have been introduced in MA 1 or MA 2 and this course goes deeper. Other topics are newly introduced in this course."

► More detailed information on the module can be found in the current module handbooks.

► Students interested in participating in this course should send an email
     to Professor Wouters in advance. marc.wouters∂


Courses in WS 2024/25
Titel Typ Hinweis Termin / Ort (Präsenz)
Vorlesung (V)

This semester the lecture MA 1 will be held ONLINE only.

Übung (Ü)

Participation in the face-to-face exercise is strongly recommended.

Übung (Ü)

Participation in the face-to-face exercise is strongly recommended.

Vorlesung (V)

If interested, please register in advance by mail.
The course takes place in presence.

Seminar (S)

The seminar takes place in presence
Contact via the Wiwi-Portal
After acceptance Registration in CAS

Vorlesung / Übung (VÜ)

The course takes place in presence.
Dates to be announced / see ILIAS

Courses in SoS 2024
Title Type Information Time / PLace
Vorlesung (V)

This semester the lecture MA 1 will be held ONLINE only.

Vorlesung / Übung (VÜ)

The course takes place in presence

Seminar (S)

Registration via the Wiwi portal

Seminar (S)

Registration via the Wiwi portal

Übung (Ü)

Participation in the face-to-face exercise is strongly recommended.

Übung (Ü)

Participation in the face-to-face exercise is strongly recommended.